愛玉愛玉,冰冰涼涼,晶瑩剔透,黃橙如寶石的愛玉…… 一說到愛玉,大家就想到山上的鄒族朋友,因為阿里山的愛玉太有名了,都靠鄒族朋友爬上樹採,不然我們就沒有愛玉可以吃 Or2 但你知道嗎,早在 19 世紀的南台灣,愛玉就已經是平埔原住民朋友的美食,連來台灣玩的老外都愛呢! Aiyu aiyu, lovely aiyu, icy and sweet, shining like a jewel…… When it comes to aiyu (Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang), a kind of plant only native to Taiwan and famous of its fruits of which the popular aiyu jelly is made, most people would immediately think of Cou people in Ali Mt., where an abundance of aiyu trees are cultivated and harvested. But do you know, aiyu used to be a dessert of the Plain Indigenous peoples in Southern Taiwan in the 19th century and even some foreign traveler fancied it a lot!
山豬:「加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!」Wild Boars: "We'll return double the pain…… No, 100 times the pain to you!!!"
最近半澤直樹先生的「加倍奉還」非常紅,非常厲害,厲害到可以叫上司跪在地上跟他磕頭(啊,透漏劇情了)。但你知道 400 年前,有一群山豬的「百倍奉還」,可以把一個鄒族的部落滅村嗎! 山豬們:
加倍奉還…… 不,我們要你百倍奉還!!!
To you, I’ll return double the pain!!!The expression has been so popular among Japanese and Taiwanese this summer, as the the fictional banker Hanzawa Naoki in the self-title Japanese TV drama “Hanzawa Naoki” has been so popular in the two countries. In the drama, the banker step-by-step avenges on his boss for killing his father technically. But now, we’re sharing a fable of the Cou people, wherein a sounder of wild boars took revenge on Cou ancestors of killing their leader! Wild boars:We will return double the pain…… No, to you, we will return 100 times the pain!!!
北部中秋節一直下雨,看不到月亮啦!我要看月亮我要看月亮…… 月亮快踹共!(敲碗
…… 月亮不見了,以前的原住民都怎麼料理這種情形呢?快來猜猜看:
- 搗麻糬
- 釀酒
- 殺豬
在鄒族的神話裡,原本天上永遠都有太陽和月亮,而且非常特別的是,月亮還比太陽燙。每當太陽出來時,人類還可以勉強躲在室內撐過去,可是只要是月亮出現,地表就變得非常非常燙,在地表生活的人類,都快活不下去了。於是呢,鄒族朋友竟然派出巫師去解決這個大問題(竟然不是派出勇士) -- 誰是罪魁禍首?當藍是月亮,因為它比較燙!於是這位鄒族巫師就用神力射下了月亮。
這下可好了,射下了月亮,太陽也嚇得躲起來了…… 大地從此陷入一片黑暗…… 這下該怎麼辦呢?
圖片來源:Womenz Mag
Cou's Venus, Be It Beautiful, Lovely, Fertile, or Wise?鄒族眼裡的金星,是愛,是美,是富饒,還是智慧?
For the Romans, Venus is the beautiful goddess that guards Love and Beauty. For the Persians, in the deep of Venus dwells the purest goddess Anahita who gives life and fertility to the world. For the Mayans, every motion of Venus has impact on the world’s fate, dooming the peace and the war of the Earth. For the Cous, Venus is the wise elder sister that leads her younger brothers and sisters to the future bravely…… 在羅馬神話裡,金星的化身是女神維納斯(Venus),代表了愛與美。 在波斯神話裡,金星的深處住了純潔的女神安納西塔(Anahita),孕育了生命與富饒。 在馬雅神話裡,金星的一舉一動都象徵了天命,動靜間決定了世界的祥和或戰亂。 回到了我們的鄒族神話,金星則化為智慧的長姊,負責引領弟妹勇敢地向前邁進……