台灣法定原住民族,將從 16 族起跳囉! 這是國內一則令人振奮的國內好消息:位於高雄市那瑪夏區及桃源區的卡那卡那富族及沙阿魯阿族長期被歸為鄒族。在歷經族人長期爭取正名,以及專家學者鑑定後,證實其語言文化與阿里山鄒族均有很大的不同,很有可能在年底獲得正名成功,已列為原民會今年的重點工作項目 ── 以後台灣法定原住民族將從 16 族起跳囉!
Aveoveoyu, Let's Share the Culture of Sharing in the Pavilions of Cayamavana!
I recently had the opportunity to re-visit Chashan Village (茶山部落, Cayamavana), located in the southernmost part of Alishan Township of Chiayi County (嘉義縣阿里山鄉). Its name in the Tsou language is Ca Ya Ma Vana, which means “plain along the midslope of a mountain”. When the Japanese occupied Taiwan (1895-1945), they shortened the name to Ca Ya Ma. Then, when the Kuomintang government came into power, they chose the name Chashan (which means “tea mountain”) as “tea mountain” in Japanese has a pronunciation similar to Ca Ya Ma. The Tsou were the first to move here and make up 60% of the population. They were followed by the indigenous Bunun tribe (now about 30% of the population) and Han Chinese (making up the remaining 10% of the population).