自從 2010 年縣市改制直轄市後,許多原山地鄉就不再實施自治,許多原住民朋友因此擔心權益受損,幸好日前內政部通過地方制度法修正案,希望讓五原鄉在今年底回復自治權限,只是目前朝野出現分歧,即將進行朝野協商…..
好的!這週最最最重點的新聞,莫過於 12/23 開始,發生在花蓮縣秀林鄉銅門部落,由林管處強行搬運位於太魯閣族傳統領域的珍貴巨木所引起的爭議,兩造至今仍在對峙。為此太魯閣族人將於 12/31 下午至晚上舉辦一場最最最特別的跨年晚會,由許多原住民藝術家及藝人挺身而出,將與大家一同用行動與音樂來捍衛部落主權! 接著是由資策會耗資千萬所推動的 iTribe 免費無限寬頻計畫即將上路,預計將造福桃園縣復興鄉上萬名泰雅族人~ 在歷史文化方面,這週也有個重大的消息,那就是霧社事件中的重要人物莫那 ‧ 魯道唯一遺物首度公開亮相!!!…… 過去一週,全球還有什麼原住民的重要新聞呢?本週《Mata‧Taiwan》的〈部落週報〉,照樣要你輕鬆掌握每週重要原住民大事!
相關文章:〈銅門部落五鬼搬「木」事件最新消息,族人:把木頭放回去,不然正式提告!〉(Mata‧Taiwan)重點新聞二:霧社事件抗日英雄莫那 ‧ 魯道唯一遺物首次公開亮相!即日起展出於北市凱達格蘭館供民眾參觀(12/24)
相關報導:〈國立臺灣博物館人類學館藏研究重大發現 賽德克巴萊—莫那魯道唯一遺物〉(中央社)重點新聞三:加拿大國家能源局(NEB)建議聯邦政府核准北方門戶油管(Northern Gateway pipeline)計畫,原住民部族恐危害土地資源揚言提告(12/25)
相關報導:〈北門油管若放行 原民擬提告〉(世界新聞網)重點新聞四:資策會耗資千萬免費無限寬頻計畫上路,預計將造福桃園縣復興鄉上萬名泰雅族人(12/25)
相關報導:〈寒冬難捱 偏鄉急需米、鹽、棉被〉(聯合晚報)重點新聞六:來台東傳教奉獻近 30 年,排灣語字典編撰人瑞士籍神父艾格理病逝瑞士(12/23)
相關報導:〈台灣/編排灣族字典 艾格理神父病逝〉(中央日報)重點新聞七:耗時 12 年,鄒語聖經即將付梓。(12/22)
相關報導:〈耗時12年 鄒語聖經翻譯完成〉(公民新聞)重點新聞八:卑南族歌手張惠妹挺同志遭辱「原住民不愛衛生」,經紀人陳鎮川揚言提告到底(12/24)
相關報導:〈張惠妹挺同志遭辱 經紀人告到底〉(自由時報)重點新聞九:南投縣信義鄉羅娜部落舉行平安夜晚會,族人齊聚慶祝聖誕(12/24)
相關報導:〈原味聖誕 布農部落千人同樂〉(蘋果日報) 相關文章:〈我曾經看見的布農族聖誕節〉(Mata‧Taiwan)重點新聞十:回應墨西哥原住民馬雅族人呼聲,天主教廷正式承認馬雅族語為教會正式用語(12/20)
相關報導:〈回應馬雅人呼聲 天主教聖事在地化〉(台灣醒報)重點新聞十一:長期污染祕魯原住民部落,聯合國人權特派員呼籲政府及石油企業應補償當地原住民族(12/25)
相關報導:〈石油業重污亞馬遜40年 UN特報員:應補償祕魯原民〉(環境資訊中心)未來一週重要活動
- 活動介紹:因應近日林務局於太魯閣族銅門部落載運巨木事件,銅門部落族人選擇用音樂陪伴,以行動支持、捍衛部落主權,守護山林資源,將於 12/31(二)當天下午至晚上於部落舉行跨年晚會,請大家用實際行動來捍衛部落主權!
- 活動連結:銅門部落-守護山林跨年音樂會
活動名稱:2013 年賽德克族眉溪部落跨年活動(南投縣)
- 活動介紹:每年都吸引許多對賽德克族文化有興趣的民眾慕名前來的眉溪部落歲時祭儀,將於 12/31 在眉溪部落傳統文化闖場舉行,另有全縣賽德克族歌唱比賽暨跨年晚會。
- 活動連結:2013 年賽德克族眉溪部落跨年活動
- 活動介紹:為了讓泰雅族文化傳統祭儀得以傳承,代代相傳並發揚光大,新竹縣尖石鄉今年跨年晚將以泰雅族文化歲末感恩祈福為主題,讓社會不同的族群了解及尊重彼此的文化。
- 活動連結:〈尖叫時刻〉跨年晚會
- 活動介紹:2010年陳永龍推出個人首張專輯「日光‧雨中」,傳唱著來 自於大師李泰祥的作品,不但獲得主流音樂界銷售上的肯定,也深受各界在樂評上的口碑,佳評如潮!2013年出版第二張作品:陳永龍的新民歌「海岸線」,這 張新古典民歌風 格的作品,有懷舊,有新傷,有近近遠遠的海,也有山與季節的呼喚……
- 活動連結:【陳永龍 海岸線】
活動名稱: 舒米恩Suming 「Amis Life 美式生活」 演唱會(台北市)
- 活動介紹:最靠近太平洋的創作歌手 - Suming 首次個人中文創作專輯『 Amis Life 美式生活』。聽到Suming,想到都蘭。 Suming用最簡單的方式,唱出來自都蘭的 Amis Life 美式生活……
- 活動連結:【 舒米恩Suming 「Amis Life 美式生活」】
活動名稱: 2014 阿洛 Pangcah 棒炸演唱會(台北市)
- 活動介紹:Pangcah 棒炸演唱會特地邀請阿洛的族人 -- 來自花蓮馬太鞍部落的拉可林階級帶來精彩的演出,還有同為阿美族的神秘嘉賓,一定會帶給大家一個快樂又棒到爆炸的夜晚!……
- 活動連結:2014阿洛Pangcah棒炸演唱會
有什麼漏網之魚,是您覺得也非常重要的原住民族新聞或活動,但卻不在週報裡的嗎?或您有原民相關新聞稿,想請我們刊登的嗎? 投稿或活動訊息請寄:[email protected] (活動刊登者,請務必提供「活動名稱」、「活動簡介」(150 字以內)、「主辦單位」、「活動地點」,及「活動資料或相關連結」。有少給資料的,小編不知道怎麼幫你 po…… 切記切記~~~!)
December 6th, 2013: The Amis Music Festival in Dulan village, Taitung, Taiwan. Organised solely by the tireless efforts of Suming and a few friends.
Many people all over the world have heard Amis traditional music, while few realise they have
The enchanting and unique singing that made Enigma’s huge 1994 classic ‘Return to Innocence’ so memorable was in fact a sample of Amis singer Difang. Credit wasn’t given to Difang or the origins of his music until they later sued, and while it is not certain if this was deliberate or not on Enigma’s part, what is clear is that almost no-one worldwide links the well-known sound of the song to Taiwan and the culture of its original inhabitants. The success of the song, however, has lead to an increased sense amongst the Amis people of the global appeal of their music and Difang remains revered here. 20 years on since Difang’s sound anonymously wowed the world, where is Amis music? Suming is putting on a music festival in his home village, Dulan to celebrate the past and future of the Amis sound.The Amis Music Festival was the first of its kind
For aeons, the Amis people have held celebrations such as the annual Harvest Ceremony, where traditional singing and dancing is performed. However, a music festival (in the modern sense) of Amis music both traditional and modern has not been tried before. It was tricky for organiser Suming to even get across to the elders in the community what a music festival is supposed to be. Amis locals, from young to old, performed wonderfully and the festival featured an array of excellent shows from well-known musical artists of indigenous origin – including Suming (the organiser) and his band, Ado’, Dakanow and the ever popular reggae band Matzka. However, there was one soulful, touching and thunderously impressive performance that stood out from them all – The Dulan Elder’s Band.The ‘Dulan Elders’ average around 80 years old, but perform with room-filling power and intense passion
The loudspeakers were merely an accessory it seemed as the band leader (also the village chief) boomed out traditional spiritual and drinking songs, including a rendition of Difang’s ‘Elders Drinking Song’, which was featured in the 1996 Summer Olympics. It was a privilege and a joy to be there to see it. Traditional Amis singing is cultivated in the fields and perfected over bottle of millet wine, it flows like the sound of waves in the ocean and its rhythms tangle and twist with the energy of ancient spirits. The sound is uniquely powerful and intricate and is known for its complex polyphonic counterpoint rhythm. Despite the complexity, the music style is not taught, but copied from the previous generation naturally by osmosis. While farming in the fields, the Amis people would sing to speak to their ancestors. Singing lifted their spirits and gave them a sense of togetherness. The youngsters learn singing like this, then it is then passed on to the next generation of youngsters in the same way. Needless to say, life has changed rapidly in the past couple of generations and not many have the lifestyle or interest any more to learn the singing in this way. Many youngsters move to the big cities for work, not to mention the fact that they are exposed to music from all over the world now which they often find that more appealing. Undoubtedly, in order to reach the astonishing level of ability the Dulan elders have achieved, it takes a lifetime of practice and sadly this is not likely to happen any more.The true soul of the Amis singing style may not be with us much longer
The passing on of this singing in its truest form seems to have more or less ceased at the ‘Elders Band’ generation, who are now all octogenarians. It is timely then that Suming is trying to introduce as many interested ears as possible to this art form now. However, the festival is also about the future of Taiwanese aboriginal music. Suming himself fuses Amis sounds with an eclectic mix of electronica, folk and rock music. Others like Dakanow have sought a stripped-down and message-laiden style, while Ado’s performances are danceable, vibrant and fun. Clearly, the indigenous music is not dying, but changing.Here’s to next year then
Suming and his friends deserve a massive pat on the back after what they have achieved and after a well deserved rest, they hope to keep similar musical events happening regularly in Dulan in the hope to boost prosperity, pride and purpose in their beloved hometown.Writings & photos via Benedict Young]]>